Monday, January 19, 2009

Big Mike: Look Back In Horror - How We Got Here

We're live! Yup, Benny Jay and Big Mike have come out - no, not that way. Jeez. The Third City is now open to the public.

Benny Jay pitched the idea of this blog to me. He told me about these voices in his head that keep him up all night (and I thought I was a loon.) He figures he'd better write down the things they say or they'll be lost forever. I figure, Why not? We both earn our living by clacking on keyboards. Naturally, the notion of gas-bagging our way through life seems too delicious to pass up. So here we are.

We started this blog as a closed forum - the settings switched to private all around - just so the general public wouldn't be able to see us make asses out of ourselves. Benny and I have made asses out of ourselves in front of each other for so long that we're pretty much immune to embarrassment now.

We started posting in early November under noms de plume (Benny Jay was Nicky Silver; I was Studs Diamond.) In retrospect, neither of us knew what in the hell we really wanted to do with this thing. At first, we thought we were going to look at this mad, mad world through the eyes of two fanatic sports fans. Benny's wild for the Bulls and I live and die..., well, just die, with the Cubs. Now we know what in the hell we're doing (we hope.)

We've decided to bare our souls for your pleasure. Also, as writers, we've been fortunate enough to meet the wildest, wackiest characters this side of Jeff Lebowski's world. Here, you'll meet them all. Most of the characters herein are real people; a few are tweaked a little to keep us a step or two ahead of any libel and slander suits.

Make sure you read this every day. Twice a day or more, in fact. We need all the hits we can get so we can make some cash off this monster. Get going!